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Appointments are necessary. Initial appointments can only be made in-person or via phone with an outside physician order or by UHC clinic. Please call 706-542-8658.
Available in Radiology by appointment.
Call 706-542-8658.
The Radiology Department provides routine ultrasound exams and radiographs of skull, spine, abdomen and extremities. Radiographs and ultrasound exams are performed by written request from a University Health Center clinician or a physician from outside the health center.
Services are available to UGA students, their spouses, and domestic partners.
Appointments only required for ultrasound. You must first stop at the registration desk to verify your insurance and other information.
If necessary, cancel or reschedule your appointment by 24 hours on the preceding business day to avoid a $30 missed-appointment charge.
The Radiology Department is located on the first floor of the University Health Center at 55 Carlton St on UGA Campus. Our phone number is 706-542-8658.
Our hours for X-Ray are Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm. Our hours for Ultrasound are Monday-Friday 8:00am - 12:45pm and 1:15pm - 4:30pm..
The latest scheduled appointment is 3:45pm.
Insurance will be filed. Please check with your insurance plan for details. If you do not have insurance, payment can be made with check or card at the cashier's desk. Students may also pay online.
Pelvic Ultrasound patients need to present with a full bladder or drink 32 fluid ounces prior to arrival.
Abdomen Ultrasound NPO (nothing to eat or drink) eight hours prior to the exam.
Abdomen Limited Ultrasound NPO (nothing to eat or drink) eight hours prior to the exam.
Athens Radiology Associates provide interpretation for all UHC Ultrasound exams. If you have medical insurance you may receive a bill from the Radiologist group.
When you are seen by a UHC clinician an exam may be ordered and scheduled the day of your visit by the referring clinic.
If you have an outside order from a physician the order must be brought to the Radiology Department 24 hours before the test is scheduled. The Radiology Department will pre-cert any insurance and give you a list of open appointments.
In order to cancel an appointment you must contact the ordering clinic. Outside orders must be canceled through Radiology. 24 hours notice must be given to avoid a cancellation fee of $30. If you have an exam scheduled for Monday the test must be canceled Friday to avoid a cancellation fee.
Check in with Radiology 15 minutes prior to the scheduled exam time.
Wear loose-fitting clothing (if possible no dresses).
Scan can take 20-40 minutes depending on the type of exam.
Warm, water-soluble, ultrasonic gel will be used for the exam.
Testicular exams will require a chaperon (provided by UHC).
Check out with Patient Accounts.
Results will not be given on the same day as the exam.
We try our best to keep costs down for our patients. Individual plans vary by what is covered, deductibles, co-pays, etc. It is the patient’s responsibility to keep insurance information up to date with the University Health Center. It is also the patient’s responsibility to know if we are in-network with your insurance and if the exam is covered. Athens Radiology Associates will also file with insurance. If allowed by insurance, or if not covered by insurance, you may receive a separate bill concerning the interpretation of the exam.