Protect Yourself Against Respiratory Illness
Be a #HealthyDawg! Keep yourself and the UGA community healthy!
Be a #HealthyDawg! Keep yourself and the UGA community healthy!
Let’s face it, no one wants the flu or other respiratory illness. So what are some ways to stay healthy?
Be a #HealthyDawg! Keep yourself and the UGA community healthy! Follow these simple steps to help prevent the spread of respiratory illness: Get a flu shot. The best way to prevent the flu is to be immune to the viruses. If you haven’t gotten a flu shot yet, you should get one! Practice good hand…
Flu season is upon us. At the University Health Center we are, as you can imagine, seeing many cases of the flu every day. I want to offer some simple steps you can take to keep yourself and the UGA community healthy. Prevent the Flu Get a flu shot. The best way to prevent the…
It’s the FLU!…but is it really? Everyone’s familiar with that horrible feeling: your sticky eyelids creak open on the morning of the big midterm exam that you’ve been studying for since last week, aaaaand… you’re sick.
You’ve probably heard of MRSA and Staph infections before, but do you really know what they are? Do you know how to keep yourself and your friends infection-free? Below are a few tips for doing so and some information on why it’s important!
The UHC will be closed Friday, Aug 4th for Staff Training.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.