#BeWellUGA and Learn About…Managing Stress: Relationships
Starting, maintaining, and ending relationships can all be stressful. Is your relationship stressing you out?

Healthy relationships are based on shared values, mutual respect, honesty, equality, fairness, and open communication. If these qualities, as well as the following characteristics, don’t describe your relationship, it may be a source of stress for you.
In a healthy relationship you…
- have fun and grow together.
- feel like you can be yourself.
- maintain honesty, trust, and good communication.
- build friendship and respect.
- handle conflict.
- have accountability, partnership, and dedication.
- share healthy sexuality.
Conflict Resolution in a Relationship
At the core of any successful relationship is the ability to communicate and resolve conflict. Included here are guidelines and exercises to help you resolve conflict.
Ending a Relationship
Being Single
Although it’s sometimes hard to recognize, there is a lot of social pressure to enter a relationship. Whether you have chosen to be single or you have found yourself in that position, there are a lot of benefits to your current situation. Being single is a healthy and respectable choice. You can have more time to focus on school, a career, hobbies, travel, and hanging out…without feeling that you left someone out.
The UGA Health Center (UHC) wants to support you in succeeding and enjoying your experience at UGA. Experts at UHC offer knowledge and programs concerning stress management and college life.
- Check out the resources on the Managing Stress: A Guide For College Students website
- Read Managing Stress: Relationships
- Check out RSVP’s What are Healthy Relationships?
- Dawgs Get Consent
- October is Relationship Violence Awareness Month
- Attend one of the FREE #BeWellUGA Wellness and Prevention programs such as #BeWellUGA Pop-Ups, Sketching for Mindfulness, or Feel Good Fridays!
- Schedule a FREE screening appointment with CAPS (UHC Counseling and Psychiatric Services). This is confidential/private, and a professional will provide you with resource recommendations appropriate for addressing your learning goals.
- Work with a UHC Wellness Coach!
Written by: UHC CAPS and Communications