Providing a student voice in health center operations, promoting a positive and open channel of communication between the UHC staff and the student body. Ambassadors serve in multiple capacities promoting UHC’s mission and vision to students, faculty/staff and other visitors.
Advisors - Steven Rose, Marketing and Communications Manager and Kristen Thompson, Marketing Professional

The Fontaine Peer Educators are a diverse group of students committed to educating and supporting the UGA community on many topics of well-being including alcohol and other substance use prevention, relationship and sexual violence prevention, healthy relationships and sexual health education. These students are integral in promoting the Fontaine Center and the overarching University Health Center mission of #BeWellUGA.
Aspen Brown, Healthy Relationship & Sexual Health Coordinator
Gabby Buttry, Alcohol & Other Drug Coordinator
Bethany Hight, Interpersonal Violence Prevention Coordinator
For more information, please email Aspen Brown at asbrown@uhs.uga.edu.
Providing learning experiences for UGA students is at the heart of both the mission and the vision statements for the Health Promotion Department. The Division of Student Affairs’ mission is to enhance the learning environment for students at the University of Georgia (UGA). This is accomplished by stimulating the learning process, integrating the in-class and out-of-class experiences, promoting an environment conducive to growth and discovery, and facilitating intellectual, spiritual, social, occupational, physical, cultural, and emotional development.
Students in the Food and Nutrition major (or Health Promotion and Behavior majors who have taken nutrition courses) can apply to be Peer Nutrition Educators (PNEs). They must first take the PNE class and are then eligible to become PNEs.
Learn more or Apply here to become a Peer Nutrition Educator.
Advisors: Anthony Chiu, Nutrition Education Coordinator, and Katherine Ingerson, Food Services Dietitian.
Thank you for your interest in getting involved with the Health Promotion Department!