UMatter: Game Day at UGA
Welcome Back to UGA!
As students return to campus, connect with their peers and enjoy the start of Fall, we all play an active role in maintaining a caring community at UGA.
You Matter & Your Actions Matter
Look out for one another. If someone needs help, there are three strategies that someone can use: be direct, delegate to someone who can help in a safe way, or distract to re-direct attention away from what is happening.
The Anatomy of a Dawg

Game Day Spirit
As we tee it up between the hedges on Saturdays and show our red and black pride, keep the following in mind to enjoy the day:
- From the pink out in 2019 to applauding Notre Dame as they headed to the locker room, UGA has done a great job showing the nation that we care and support other fans and our competitors.
- Keep personal items to yourself. Only discard items in appropriate receptacles to avoid causing injury while tailgating or at the game.
- Your Actions Matter. If you see someone in need of help, remember to direct, delegate, or distract.
Game Day Tips
If engaging in game day activities keep the following tips in mind:
- Fuel Matters. Stay hydrated with water, eat a balanced meal, make plans to refuel, and have snacks on hand.
- Plans Matter. Create a plan for the day. If using a rideshare service check color, make, and model of vehicle, confirm license plate, stay together as a group, and make sure phones are charged.
- Measuring Matters. If choosing to consume, know what is in a cup. Measure out one standard drink at a time and pace/hydrate with water.
- Calling Matters. If you see someone who is showing any of the symptoms of alcohol poisoning or greening out stay and immediately call for medical attention.
Alcohol poisoning:
Vomiting while passed out
Slowed breathing/heart rate
Pale/blue lips or fingertips
Eyes roll back in head
Greening Out:
Rapid heart rate
Hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion
Panic attacks or feelings of anxiety
Dizziness or feeling faint
Nausea or vomiting
Not going to the game and looking for activities in Athens?
Check out our bucket list of things to do in our community!
Enjoy your Saturday and Go Dawgs!
Support Resources
Looking for support related to substance use or recovery? Call the Fontaine Center at 706-542-8690.
Looking for support related to interpersonal violence? Confidential advocates can be reached 24/7 by calling the confidential RSVP hotline at 706-542-7233 (SAFE).

Written by: Liana Natochy, Alcohol and Other Drugs Education Coordinator for the Fontaine Center and Kelly Truesdell, Assistant Director of Health Promotion and Community Outreach, Health Promotion Department