#BeWellUGA and Learn About…Managing Stress: Tobacco
Another reason to quit: smoking and tobacco use can cause stress. Some tobacco users believe that smoking is a stress reducer, but the opposite can be true — it can impact your sleep, your body’s ability to fight infection, and your overall health.

Harmful physiological effects on the body can actually increase your current level of stress. In order to achieve a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to learn strategies to deal with stressors and to understand that quitting tobacco use takes time and practice.
Helpful Tips:
- Smokefree.gov has a great list of ways to cope with stress without smoking.
- Start exercising–this can help alleviate stress as you begin your tobacco cessation journey.
- Practice mindfulness to help you reduce stress.
- Check out some impressive benefits of quitting: “The health benefits of quitting smoking can help most of the major parts of your body: from your brain to your DNA.”
- Know that it isn’t easy to quit! It can take time and sometimes several attempts.
- Don’t turn to e-cigarettes. The CDC states that nicotine in e-cigarettes can harm brain development in young adults.
- Connect and grow your support network with Smokefree.gov on social media.
- Get 24/7 support with a Smokefree app.
“In the time it takes you to smoke a cigarette, you could do something else that’s more effective–like take a short walk or try a relaxation exercise.”
Are you ready to break the habit?
- Not sure where to start? Make an appointment with your Primary Care Provider at UHC.
- Each semester UGA’s College of Pharmacy offers “Beat the Pack,” a FREE smoking cessation program for UGA students, employees, and community. The class meets once a week for 4 weeks and offers support on your journey to quit smoking (and can also be adapted to help you “kick the tin” and stop chewing tobacco).
- You may also want to call the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line at 1-877-270-STOP. This service provides free counseling, a resource library, support, and referral services.
- The American Cancer Society is a great resource for overcoming tobacco addiction and support for staying tobacco-free once you quit.
- “Quitting smoking is a marathon, not a sprint.” Check out the CDC guide for how to quit.
The UGA Health Center (UHC) wants to support you in succeeding and enjoying your experience at UGA. Experts at UHC offer knowledge and programs concerning stress management and college life.
- Check out the resources on the Managing Stress: A Guide For College Students website
- Your Primary Care Provider at UHC can help with resources and tools for tobacco cessation
- Try these Body Tension Reducers
- Attend one of the FREE #BeWellUGA Wellness and Prevention programs such as Yoga for Stress Relief, #BeWellUGA Pop-Ups, or Stress Relief Workshop for International Students
- Schedule a FREE screening appointment with CAPS (UHC Counseling and Psychiatric Services). This is confidential/private, and a professional will provide you with resource recommendations appropriate for addressing your learning goals.
- Work with a UHC Wellness Coach!
Written by: UHC CAPS and Communications