Stress: The Thing We Can’t Live With…or Without!
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Stress: The Thing We Can’t Live With…or Without!

I know what you may be thinking…living without stress sounds GREAT! However, when we think about stress, it isn’t always just bad stuff. Hear me out! Certain levels of stress are designed to help you perform–like the stress you may feel before an interview or a performance. The stress in those moments may give you…


Quick Facts: Mumps

Mumps is an illness caused by the mumps virus. It spreads through saliva or mucus from the mouth, nose, or throat. An infected person can spread the virus by: Coughing, sneezing, or talking Sharing items such as cups or eating utensils with others Touching objects or surfaces with unwashed hands that are then touched by…

Be A Heart-Healthy Dawg
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Be A Heart-Healthy Dawg

February is Heart Health Awareness Month – the perfect time to start working toward heart health goals!  There are many ways to maintain a healthy heart. Below, we have listed just a few. For more heart health information, visit the University Health Center’s Heart Health Fair on February 7, 2018 – 11am-3pm at UHC. This…

Fact or Fiction – Mental Wellness Resources at UGA
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Fact or Fiction – Mental Wellness Resources at UGA

It’s no secret that mental wellness is a hot topic on campus – and we hope it continues to be! The more you know about maintaining your mental well-being and looking out for that of others, the better. Here are a few common myths around mental wellness and the facts that debunk them.

Less Stress, More Ohm

Less Stress, More Ohm

In this busy world of constant distraction, social media, apps for everything and too much to do, couldn’t we all use a little more zen in our life?  Neuroscience research is steadily backing up the advantages of calming our nervous system through yoga, breath work and other mindfulness practices.  Consequently, you may have noticed a…

I’m Not an Undergrad Anymore
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I’m Not an Undergrad Anymore

A look into the transition to graduate school. Gaining admission to graduate school is an achievement reflecting your potential to learn and contribute in your chosen field. Aptitude, interest, and passion for the work are good predictors of your future success, but the ability to psychologically transition into this new role will be equally important!